dreamer – believer – creator
When you have a dream, it’s always nice to spend hours, days, months and years daydreaming and imagining how it can be realised… but it’s not going to come to fruition by simply dreaming about it. You need to truly believe in it and believe in yourself to create it.
This is a fairly new revelation in my life. I’ve always been filled with ideas to wistfully dream about… until now. I’ve found ‘the one’ that is too good to spend the rest of my life trying to just wish it into being, so I’ve decided to dive in and go after it. (Hint: It’s about shoes!)
It’s my hope to inspire you as you follow my journey… to help you have the courage to realise your own dreams and see your life flourish.
Zan xo
Calling all shoe lovers – can you help a girl out?
I’d really value your time and help by completing my survey that’s alllll about shoes – in particular your shoe preferences and shoe purchasing habits. It should only take a fun 10–15mins, so if you can spare the time, I’d love your insight. There’s even an opportunity at the end to register for a pre-launch offer…
Follow my entrepreneurial journey and see what inspires me along the way…
Great Expectations
I’m expecting a lot this year…
When løve takes its sweet time
Are we there yet?
Love and other Choices
This one’s a little personal…
I need your Love
When you’re loving to the limit…
When it all turns to poo
Mixing babies and business… when it doesn’t go entirely as planned!
Should I stay or should I go?
Italy in the Summer? How is that even a question?
Cast of Thousands
I have some more important news to share, but first a bit of background…
Løve conquers all
The background to my brand name and why all the LØVE songs…
Facing Opposition
Protecting my brand, trademarking and opposition…
All the adjustments
Adjusting to motherhood and more refining of my next prototype!
Deep breaths
And yesterday, on the eve of our little cub’s due date (today!) was another huge step towards bringing my shoe dream to life…
The jewel in the crown
Another BIG step in this process, yesterday I collected another prototype part of my shoe concept…
Patented leather shoes
Wheeling all my IP into a Patent Attorney’s office…
Crystal clear
Back to business and one year on from making the big decision to pursue my shoe vision…
Reality bites
My entrepreneurial adventure so far as been amazing, but life certainly hasn’t been without its moments of heartache or pain along the way…
The power of your name
We all know we have names for a reason, names are significant, they carry meaning…
I do brave things
Growing in boldness, bravery and courage…
Next steps
We’ve been home a whole week now… so what have I been up to?
‘Back to reality’
Home again and recapping the story so far…
To have and to hold
Seeing my prototype for the first time…
Soul food
There’s nothing else quite like the country air to refresh the soul…
Trying new doors
We spent another day in Copenhagen on hire bikes…
Lion love in Copenhagen
Of all the things to explore, why I visited the Zoo in Copenhagen…
Pronunciation is key
That Danish name for my new venture that I mentioned in a previous post? Well, it turns out I have been saying it correctly – phew!
Inspiration is all around
Our second day in Copenhagen was full – although a little more touristy and tiring than our first
And so the adventure begins
We’ve arrived in Copenhagen and at first glance – I’m in love!
On the edge of a dream
Sitting at Sydney Airport ready to take on this entrepreneurial adventure…
Follow the Journey
I’d love to share with you what inspires me and what I learn along the way… Join me?
let’s get social